How to create THING on AWS IoT core service. | Amazon web services | Dushyant Singh | Truth Power Info.

Dushyant Singh
4 min readJul 16, 2022

Signing in

Go to your web browser and search visit the following link:

AWS IoT Core Dashboard

After successfully signing in, the AWS Management Console window will open. In the services search tab at the top write ‘IoT core’ & hit enter.

You can click on IoT Core, so an AWS IoT Dashboard will appear now.

3- Select the “Manage” tab on the right side blade,
Click on the “Things” option and
Click the “Create Thing” Yellow color button.

4- Select the “Create a single thing” then click “Next”

5- Give the Thing name “ESP8266”,
Don’t touch the “Additional configurations”
Select “No Shadow’ under “Device Shadow”
Click “Next”

6- Select the “Auto-generate a new certificate (recommended)” option under the Device certificate tab.
Click “Next”

7- Click on the “Create Policy” button. You will redirect to a new tab.

8- Click on create policy. Here give any name to the policy. For example, I will provide it with the name “ESP8266_Policy“.

Now the add statement part is essential. Under the action, type IoT. So multiple options will pop up. From here we will only need to publish, Subscribe, Connect and Receive.

First, select the IoT Connect option. In the Resource ARN, replace the last section with the Client ID. Give any name to the client ID for example “ESP8266“. Under effect select allow.

Again add another statement. This time select IoT Publish. In the resource ARN, replace the last section with esp8266/pub. Under effect, again select allow.

Add 3rd statement again. This time select IoT Subscribe. In the resource ARN, replace the last section with esp8266/sub. Under effect, again select allow.

Add 4th statement now. This time select IoT Receive. In the resource ARN, replace the last section with esp8266/sub. Under effect, again select allow.

Now click on create to create the policy. So the policy has been created successfully.

Now go back to Create Thing option. So a policy option will appear. We need to attach the policies to the certificate. So select the appeared policy and click on create a thing.

Now click on create to create the policy. So the policy has been created successfully.
Json formate Like:

“Version”: “2012–10–17”,
“Statement”: [
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: “iot:Connect”,
“Resource”: “arn:aws:iot:ap-south-1:26xxxxx62476:client/ESP8266”
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: “iot:Publish”,
“Resource”: “arn:aws:iot:ap-south-1:26xxxxx62476:topic/ESP8266/pub”
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: “iot:Subscribe”,
“Resource”: “arn:aws:iot:ap-south-1:26xxxxx62476:topicfilter/ESP8266/sub”
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: “iot:Receive”,
“Resource”: “arn:aws:iot:ap-south-1:26xxxxx62476:topic/ESP8266/sub”

Go back to Create Thing option.

9- So a policy option will appear. We need to attach the policies to the certificate. So select the appeared policy and click on create a thing.

10- Downloading Certificates and Keys

Now we need to download the required certificates from this list.

First, download the device certificate, the public key, the private key, and the public key.

In the Root CA Certificates, there are two certificates here. But we need a Root CA1 certificate, so download it as well.

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Dushyant Singh

Microsoft Certified Trainer | Cloud Architect | .Net Developer